Blog Issues Resolved

If you tried visiting our blog in the last few days and were redirected automatically to a anti-virus site, the issue is now resolved. We’re sorry if this occurred to you. Hopefully you weren’t a victim of the anti-virus site.

It turns out there was an issue with the version of WordPress we had installed that allowed someone to hack in. Argh. It’s been a common problem, apparently. If you are running WordPress on your servers, you should upgrade. Also, check your .htaccess file for malicious code.

Nerd-talk is now over. I’ll keep a closer eye on things and hope it doesn’t happen again.

UPDATE: Ok. More nerd stuff. If anything, I put this here for my own reference in the future.

Once you’ve updated WordPress to 2.6.3 and are using Live Writer, you might encounter an issue connecting to your WordPress blog. If that’s the case, this solution worked for me (found here).

This is caused because something (a plugin ? my webserver (IIS) ? something else ?) decided to add UTF-8 BOM to the XML-RPC response. Result : the xml response is 3 bytes longer than expected, which causes the xml response to be truncated.

Solution : find the class.IXR.php file (under wp-includes), edit the file, and look for

function output($xml)

FInd the line that calculates the length 
$length = strlen($xml);

and replace it by

$length = strlen($xml)+3;

Save the file, and try again. Problem should now be solved.

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