The people’s choice

The election is finally upon us and man will I be glad when it’s all over. No matter who wins, it will be good to finally move forward. I’m amazed to see people become uncharacteristically divisive and upset if someone doesn’t see things their way. Doesn’t it seem like the presidential campaigns have been going on for years? Oh, wait they have. Election exhaustion is enough to drive one to drink. In my case, that would be a tall glass of lite chocolate Silk soy milk. Because no matter how wacky things get, there’s one thing that makes me really happy about the election season


the Snoopy glasses from my childhood. Those ears! That bow tie! That toothy grin! Who can resist his charisma and charm? I wonder if he will get any write-ins on the election ballot this year? I remember when we got these from the grocery store at my great-grandpa’s cabin when I was a kiddo. I rediscovered them with great excitement while unpacking boxes when we moved to Sioux Falls. They have now become the first glasses I grab out of the cupboard when the dishes are clean. You know those dishes. The ones that make you happy to use. The dishes that makes even the most ordinary meal of mac n’ cheese or a reheated slice of leftover pizza just a little more special. Every home deserves a happy dish.

Here’s to a fun Halloween. To a respectful and civil finish to the election season. And to our future, whatever it may bring. Cheers!

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