VVI Superb Bowl 2009 – Part 1

Today at work we hosted our first ever Superb Bowl. Basically, it was an opportunity to bring in clients and discuss some of the Super Bowl ads in a light-hearted, goofy way. We loosely re-created the Super Bowl and split the crowd into two teams. Nate and I were coaches and our job was to get reactions, insights and thoughts from our teams regarding the ads we watched.

Sarah was there helping out by taking some excellent photographs, which really captured the spirit of the event. We spent a couple of weeks planning and preparing for this and just like that it was over.

But it went extremely well. Our guests seemed to have had a great time and we had a blast hosting. Below are photos from the event. Hopefully tomorrow night I’ll be posting some video, too.

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For the rest of the photos, visit the web album here: http://picasaweb.google.com/visionvideoinc/VviSuperbBowl2009#

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