we’re in the news!

Michael and I were interviewed a few weeks ago by a reporter from the Argus Leader, which is the newspaper here in Sioux Falls.  Our friend Jolene is in media relations and recommended us to the reporter for his article about a couple who is saving money. 

We took it pretty seriously because we wanted to be honest and share something valuable, intelligent and easy.  And not come across as total dorks.  The interview was really fun and a little stressful, at least for me, because he was writing down every single word that we said.  I get chatty when I’m nervous.  So I just kept talking and talking, and he kept writing and writing. 

I just found out the article ran yesterday!  It turned out pretty well.  We’ll try to round up some copies.  Here’s a link:  http://www.argusleader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2008812130318

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