What kind of fruit would you be?

Hello Hello! There’s been a new development in my quest for a a job. So exciting, it’s worth bold font! Bold font indeed! After over a month of waiting I finally got to interview for a really cool event coordinating job with the Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science. http://www.washingtonpavilion.org/

It’s always been a dream of mine to work in “the arts.” I grew up saturated in music and performance. When I hit college my assigned work-study job was miraculously with the Gustavus Office of Fine Arts Programs. Oh, how I loved that job. I got to be involved in music, theater, dance and visual art in a variety of ways big and small. Ushering, running sound and light boards, working backstage, staffing the museum, serving receptions and best of all – house managing. I was so inspired by this that I took an arts management course to learn how to create and run non-profit arts organizations.

Husby1This event coordinator position would be a perfect blend of my project management and marketing experience mixed with my arts background and personal passion. I would be coordinating all sorts of events, which is easily spelled out in this nice link. Performances, weddings, meetings, etc. “Selling” the booking of the event and then making it happen.

The building itself is stunning with the most majestic staircase and big bright airy windows. Right when I walked in I knew it was my place, like it called my name. If you check out the website (or live in Sioux Falls) you’ll know it used to be a high school – of which my Grandpa Warren (also known as GPW) actually went to school!

The interview went well. Great personalities and I can easily see how the people I met would be really fun coworkers. They put a lot of emphasis on creativity and asked me several out of the box questions, such as: “What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?” “If you were a fruit what kind would you be and why?” And the hardest in my opinion, “Name 10 things you can do with a pencil besides write with it.” Goodness sakes. I think I did well despite being caught off-guard.

EventsNow we wait. Second interviews should take place by early next week and they hope to have someone in place the first week of February. Gosh I hope it’s me. It’s a demanding job working nights and weekends without a very glamorous salary, but man would it be worth it.

It’s hard to imagine not being called back, but this is one of those jobs that I’m sure a lot of people would love and there’s probably a lot of great candidates. No matter how it turns out I’m so glad to have met the people there and learn about this great organization!

I’m so ready to get back into a “real life” again. To make our new home in Sioux Falls a place of my own. It’s easy to forget this in-between time is more than just waiting – this is also life and worth enjoying. This is the cozy life we daydream about while crunching numbers in cubicles. The life where we get to wear fuzzy slippers and watch past seasons of Project Runway on DVD while eating pizza in the middle of the afternoon. I don’t let myself do that enough. I think I’m worried if I do I’ll get too lazy, too comfortable and ultimately less employable. So I shuffle around my house in a tizzy most of the day keeping up networking, sending out resumes and working on my Arbonne business.

Thank you everyone for your prayer and support through this transition and especially with this interview. Your friendship means the world to me. I hope I’ll have good news to report back soon!

In other news…

We put away the Christmas tree. Riley misses his fort.


Michael had some video editors [past and present] from VVI over for an epic board game night.


It was –20 degrees. That’s –28 for you Canadians. Pretty darn cold no matter what temperature language you speak.

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I did a 7-day internal detox cleanse for the first time last week. It was scary at the beginning because I didn’t know what to expect. It turned out to be surprisingly fine. I felt great! And so I got lazy with what I ate as the week went on. And after a few days of lazy eating the detox did indeed get a little scary. The moral of our story is don’t doubt the detox. It works. The end.

Oh! And I cracked my toilet set. I don’t think it was related to the detox cleanse. I’m really not sure why it cracked. It just went BAM! and there it was. The crack. Many jokes could be made about cracks and toilets, but we’re all about keeping it classy here at mmcquade.com/blog, so I’ll just leave that up to you. It was getting a little pokey and pinchy, which is a rather disconcerting sensation. So I did what any liberal arts / totally cheap person would do. I channeled MacGyver. It’s now being held together with clear packaging tape until I can justify spending my “in transition” [read: unemployed] money on it. It’s been about a week and so far so good. It does make a crunching noise though and I’ve declared that we cannot have any guests over to the house until it’s fixed, which may be a long time… The end.




And because I thought it was weird to be taking pictures of my toilet, I took a picture of me taking a picture of the toilet.


That’s my “I’m unemployed, my short hair makes my too-cheap-to-spend-more-money-on-heating neck cold, and I’m taking pictures of my toilet” face. The end!!

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